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An educational not-for-profit Mini-Encyclopedia of Parenting with 7400+ Illustrations, Blogs, Charts, Graphics & Templates for bringing-up healthy Toddlers, Children & Adolescents

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diet during pregnancy
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Stages of Labour

Stages of Labour

Delivering a baby is a tough going and involves a lot of hard work. Hence its designation, labour. “The wonderful result the mother has at

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Problems in Childbirth

Problems in Childbirth

Problems in Childbirth: Childbirth is not always a smooth sailing The childbirth is a process beset with many hazards and problems. Yet, most healthy mothers

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Preparation of the Mother
Using Diapers & Nappies
the newborn
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Toilet Training
A project in collboration with World Parenting Association, Manchester, UK & Association of Child Rights Inc.
fresh fruits

Fresh Fruits

Fresh Fruits are high in vitamins and minerals and should be considered an essential part of child’s diet. Banana, additionally, is a great source of

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green leafy vegetables


Green leafy vegetables Amazing health benefits of eating green leafy vegetables such as spinach regularly as a part of daily diet are: Beans Kidney beans

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Animal Foods

Animal Foods

Meat Meat is an important food in the diet for children and adolescents because it provides significant amounts of proteins, fats, micronutrients such as iron

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Eggs in diet


The role of eggs in diet cannot be overstated. Egg white provides the best protein whereas egg yolk (yellow portion) is full of fat, especially

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Temper tantrums

Why temper tantrums?

9 TIPS TO AVOID TEMPER TANTRUMS? Temper tantrums are a sort of emotional outbursts by a young child. The child may become even aggressive and

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Honest news, advice and opinions about motherhood

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Aafreen F (Eskisehir) Turkey


This blog is highly recommended to every new mom who is in search of tailor-made ideas and knowledge for bringing up her baby. You will be able to find what exactly you need here with zero hassles. Thanks the team for your time and effort in making this baby encyclopedia.

Aafreen F

(Eskisehir) Turkey
Elizaveta N (Yalta) Russia


Hi fellow moms. We are fortunate to have this unique blog. It is an authoritative answer to young parents queries on pregnancy, childbirth, care of the newborn and infants, and raising children and teenagers in modern times.

Elizaveta N

(Yalta) Russia
Heena M (Alberta) Canada


This exactly is the website that every young parent need to rely upon. It provides invaluable up-to-date information on different aspects of pregnancy and child care. You think of a query and the answer is very much here.

Heena M

(Alberta) Canada
Kirra P(Moscow) Russia


As a young inquisitive mother, I had many issues and apprehensions concerning my pregnancy, the newly-born baby and bringing up of the child. The down-to-earth guidelines and information provided here have stood like a pillar in supporting me.  In my considered opinion, the blog shall be equally useful to you, dear new moms, in enjoying the uniqueness of motherhood.

Kirra P

(Moscow) Russia
Nitalia D, (Tkibuli Island) Georgia


As I read this I was thinking, “Why didn’t I have this info when our child was born?”. I recommend a thorough reading & absorption of this spectacular blogging website to give to everyone who’s getting married. I tell them, “Don’t wait until you have children to read this, it may help preserve your marriage long enough to have children. If so, it will likely save your marriage again afterwards.”

Nitalia D

(Tkibuli Island) Georgia
Novy G (New Delhi) India


We have a newborn child and the section in this book on dealing with a fussy baby was a game changer. I was out of my mind trying to figure out how to soothe my baby to sleep and on the verge of tears from sleepless nights when I read the tip about putting on a sound machine to lull her to sleep since the womb is loud and baby is used to a louder world than you’d think.

Novy G

(New Delhi) India
Sara Yui (Tokyo), Japan


I loved this website. As a professional I wanted accurate, evidence-based information without woo woo or unlikely claims, and as a new first time mum to be, I wanted simplicity, clear text and reassurance; this book has all of this. Reading this made me feel encouraged, supported and armed with the essential information I needed to arrive into early motherhood feeling like I had an understanding of the kind of parent I want to be. Thanks DrSurajGupte for the masterpiece.

Sara Yui

(Tokyo) Japan
Shivani M (J&K) India


If you only read the initial articles about new babies read THIS ONE!! It makes sooooooo much sense & helps remind you to use your basic human instincts about how& when to deal with your baby. Best online material I’ve read by a mile and I wish I’d read it when bubs was first born.

Shivani M

(J&K) India
Sudha M(Mumbai), India


This encyclopedia of raising healthy kids brings comfort and confidence at a difficult time, I just wish I’d read it before the baby was born and had it in those early weeks. Highly recommended.

Sudha M

(Mumbai) India
Sugandha M (New Delhi) India


If, like me, you’ve lost count of the books and blog posts you’ve consumed on infant sleep, feeding and fussing, but are still struggling, THOROUGHLY READ THEBLOGS THAT COME STRAIGHT FROM A PEDIATRICIAN’S DESK. For 10 weeks I was continually disheartened that my beautiful baby fussed and cried all day, couldn’t self-soothe and refused to respond to the structured techniques so commonly suggested by other experts.

Sugandha M

(New Delhi) India

Stage Wise Colourful Illustrated Development Activity Printables

Expert, Crisp & Professional Advice from rich Pediatric Expertise
& experience of 31 International & National Parenting Experts

About Dr Suraj Gupte

A former Chairman & head of Post-graduate departments of Pediatrics establishing various Medi- colleges from a scratch in India & adjoining countries, having received a number of honorary doctorates & fellowships. He is also a writer, Professor at University & a honorary fellow of the prestigious European Society. Having currently been knighted with post of Principal Advisor, Children’s Health Institute™ (A worldwide web based multilanguage joint venture of World Parenting Organization (WPO) & International Society for Child Rights Inc- ISCR USA)

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Dr Suraj Gupte