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The Crying Baby

The Crying Baby

“Look at this little rascal. He has been crying and crying and would sure drive me mad,” said a young sophisticated mother, drawing my attention to her two-month-old infant, the other day. Well, excessive crying is quite a common problem in small children. Though in majority of the cases its cause is minor (at times … Read more

Care of the Teeth

Care of the Teeth

While discussing growth and development in Chapter 15, I had talked about eruption of temporary (milk) and permanent teeth. Let us now see how you should take care of the child’s dental health. Brushing Do not wait that the child would grow up and then start brushing his teeth. He will, of course, do that … Read more

Toilet Training

Toilet Training

Ninety per cent babies begin to develop voluntary (intentional) control over bladder and bowel between 1 year to 2½ years. In a large proportion, it occurs between 1½ years to 2 years. The baby usually gives a signal in the form of a gesture (say a grunt) or a family word such as su-suor chi-chi. … Read more

Child’s Height

Child’s Height

As custodians of child’s welfare, most parents have a vigilant eye on the increasing height of the child as a barometer of his growth. And, rightly so! The most rapid growth of the baby occurs in mother’s tummy. At birth a healthy newborn measures about 50 cm. After birth, the fastest growth occurs in the … Read more