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Problems in Pregnancy

Problems in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a unique experience for the mother. While the “new life” is growing inside her womb, she is given to dreaming beautiful dreams. That’s all very fine. “In fact, it is very much desirable,” if I may quote a world-renowned obstetrician. Like any normal individual with responsibilities pregnancy put extra load on her systems, … Read more



So, here we go, talking about the salient features of various contraceptive means. Natural means If you and your husband practise contraception without using any contraceptive, you are adopting natural means. Two categories of natural methods are employed. In the first category are included abstinence or celibacy, coitus interrupts, safe period, and breastfeeding. In the … Read more

Pregnancy by Choice

Pregnancy by Choice

The million dollar question is: Who’s responsible for the unhappiness of the Chaudhuris, Rainas, Singhs and the Pathaks? You’ll agree with me that no one else but the couples themselves. They should have used one or the other of the birth control measures, the subject matter of this chapter.