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Why temper tantrums?

Temper tantrums

9 TIPS TO AVOID TEMPER TANTRUMS? Temper tantrums are a sort of emotional outbursts by a young child. The child may become even aggressive and destructive, resulting in a distressing situation for the parents. Here are some measures that may assist parents in safeguarding against this “acting out” behaviour of the child:-

Why odd behaviour?

odd behaviour

Mind you, an “odd behaviour” is a reaction to a wide variety of factors. These factors may operate before pregnancy, during pregnancy, during delivery, in neonatal period, and in subsequent emotional environments. Emotional environment is  made of parental attitudes, siblings, neighbourhood, school and mass media including movies, television, radio and magazines, etc. The faulty parental … Read more

Why exam fever?

exam fever

Development of headache, anxiety, tension and stress during the examination season is what wedoctors call “performance anxiety”. The child is indeed scared that he may not live up to the your tall expectations and then fall in your grace. The malady represents a classical mishandling of the child and his problems by the parents when the … Read more