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Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse

Drug habit is no longer a rarity among the adolescents in the Asian countries. All-India surveys indicate as high an incidence as 3 per cent of addiction and 15 per cent of casual indulgence among senior school-going boys and girls. The prevalence is particularly high in hostelers of public schools. Drugs generally abused are sleeping … Read more

Sex Education

Sex Education

Talking about sex has long been regarded as a sort of “taboo” in India. Children are thus left with no alternative but to learn about it, more often than not, in an unhealthy way. As the celebrated authority Kinsley puts it: “When parents sit on the information that they should pass on to the child, … Read more

PICS Adolescence & Puberty

PICS Adolscence & Puberty

Adolescence and puberty What is the precise adolescence period? It is difficult to define it. But, broadly speaking, adolescence starts when the individual attains sexual maturity and ends when independence from parental authority is assured. Since the age of sexual maturing varies a lot, marking off the beginning of adolescence is rather difficult. Are adolescence … Read more

The Stormy Teens

The Stormy Teens

These instances have been specially picked to focus attention on some of the highlights of the stormy period of transition, the so-called adolescence. As has been rightly put, “Adolescence is much more than one rung up the ladder from childhood. It is a built-in, necessary transition period for ego development. It is a leave-taking of … Read more