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Post Delivery Care

Post Delivery Care

After-delivery Care of the Mother Well, you have had enough knowledge about the newborn. Isn’t it time we relax for a while and talk a bit about you now? So, listen. Once the baby has arrived – hopefully healthy and without making you really sick – your body and organs will take another 6 to … Read more

The Low Birthweight Baby

The Low Birthweight Baby

So far we have been talking about more or less the healthy full-term babies. Unfortunately, a significant proportion (33 per cent) of the babies born in the Asian countries are low birthweight, either as a result of growth retardation of the foetus or due to birth much before the expected date of delivery. In the … Read more

Using Diapers & Nappies

Using Diapers & Nappies

A good mother must give adequate attention to the newborn’s clothing with special reference to diapers or napkins, popularly known as nappies. Do not leave all this to the care of the ayah. She may be very good but she is unlikely to be a perfect substitute for your personal touch, understanding and care. Nappies … Read more

Taking Care of the Newborn

Taking Care of the Newborn

Let me begin by recalling the important features of the “care” taken immediately after the baby is born. Here’s what you should know about taking care of the newborn. The aim of care at birth is that the baby’s basic needs i.e., establishing breathing, adequate nutrition, body temperature and avoiding contact with infection are met. … Read more

Labour of Love

Labour of Love

The “Labour of Love” Is Here So, at long last, the “little stranger” – your “labour of love” – has arrived. He has just said goodbye to the comforts of the warm, watery world. With the very first breath and the cry, his struggle in adjusting to the airy world begins. A large majority of … Read more