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Birth Dangers to Baby

Birth Dangers to Baby

The baby, as you would appreciate, is subjected to quite a few stresses and strains, which could well be hazardous during the birth process. The risk of hazards multiplies in the presence of congenital defects, low birthweight, difficult deliveries and complicated pregnancy which may affect the foetus in some form or the other. Yet, it … Read more

Problems in Childbirth

Problems in Childbirth

Problems in Childbirth: Childbirth is not always a smooth sailing The childbirth is a process beset with many hazards and problems. Yet, most healthy mothers who had careful antenatal check-ups do have successful outcome of pregnancy and labour. That is not to say childbirth is always a smooth sailing. Far from it! Why does childbirth … Read more

Preparation of the Mother

Preparation of the Mother

The hair over external genitals are shaved off. A soap and water enema is given to evacuate the bowel so that she does not pass stool during labour pains. It is good to have a bath before entering the labour room. The attending doctor would like to have obstetric examination, including vaginal examination, to ascertain … Read more

Stages of Labour

Stages of Labour

Delivering a baby is a tough going and involves a lot of hard work. Hence its designation, labour. “The wonderful result the mother has at the end of it is worth all those pains,” says Oscar Wilde. Let us have some insight into the whole process of childbirth. Stages of labour Arbitrarily the whole process … Read more